Tuesday, November 17, 2015

But What Can I Do?

The events of the last few weeks (closer-to-home tragedies that mirror what's been occurring for several years in other countries) have prompted conversation, division, debate, conflict, demonstrations, and unity. Something that is hugely important has been brought up in the conversation of whether the US should allow Syrian refugees to relocate here- "but why worry about another country's people when we can't take care of our own?"

I've seen similar sentiments posted on various forums and social media outlets...and it makes me REALLY EXCITED to see people asking that question. I'm here to tell you why. 

When we look at the conflict in war-torn countries, it's overwhelming. Such a huge, terrifying problem. How are we supposed to fix them? What about the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire of trying to destroy the bad guys? Do we write them off as collateral damage? But what if people with ill intent play the part of desperate refugee just to come hurt us? Can we help them relocate closer? Do we just stay out of it? What is our best interest as a country? As Christians? 

Questions like these tend to do one of a few things. 1. They can cause us to shut down...the problem is just too overwhelming, I can't even think about it. 2. They cause us to pick a side and fiercely oppose those who disagree with what we think is best for our safety, the safety of our country and the freedom that so much has been sacrificed to protect. 3. They cause us to ask, "Okay, what can I do, right now? What is my part?" 

The world needs a whole lot of option 3's. Most Americans would agree that we have too many homeless, jobless, hungry people living in the US. It's difficult to look at helping other countries when there is so much need here. But what happens if we all step up to play our part to end all of that? 

We have all been gifted and blessed in different ways....every one of us equipped in SOME WAY to make a dent in the needs of our community. The winter season combined with the holidays provides so many ways to serve those around us. Is there need all of the time? Yes. But is this time of year particularly important due to the weather and the fact that it stinks even more for people to be alone/homeless/cold/hungry during the holidays? YES. 

Each of us has 168 hours every week to spend as we please. We have drastically different responsibilities. Some just have more free time. Each of us has some means of income...also drastically different. Some live in excess and some barely squeak by. 

Do not walk away from this holiday season saying "I was just too busy and too poor to make a difference." There are opportunities EVERYWHERE to volunteer. Shelters, soup kitchens, free thanksgiving dinner programs, the crisis intervention center and women's shelter, local international students without anyone to spend the holidays with, homeless people on the side of the road that we drive past, people we see or work with that we suspect don't have appropriate clothing for themselves or their children...most of us can give something. If it's not a few dollars, a few cans of food, a few pairs of socks, a coat, a blanket, we could give a few hours of our time to go serve and love on people. 

People committed to making a difference in THEIR OWN community changes the world. The more we meet the needs around us, the farther we reach, and then those people turn around and reach farther...the ripple effect can be so powerful. 

But above all, prayer something that costs us nothing. Putting our faith in an all-powerful God who KNOWS what's going on and KNEW it was coming...a God who knows our finances, our schedules, our needs, an our hearts...petitioning him to show us what he wants from us. Asking fervently for heart change in the ones who are doing terrible things to inspire fear and terror in the world changes things. 

If you are overwhelmed, hurt, angry, (or any combination of those) about what is going on and you believe that we have to start by taking care of America first, what are you going to do about it? Since fighting in the Middle East and feeding/clothing Syrian refugees in the countries to which they are fleeing are probably not a possibility for you, what are you doing here? 

Yes- there are problems that must be solved by the military. Yes, there are pros and cons to every side of the refugee argument. But do not let yourself off the hook saying, "It's not my problem/responsibility." Never ever believe the lie that one person can't change the world. Start with you. Start with your community. Set an example for your peers, coworkers, and your family by stepping out and giving time, financially, and praying for change. 

Changing the world starts with courageous individuals who step out to change their community.